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From the legendary Beatles to hosting Eurovision in 2023 on behalf of Ukraine, Liverpool, a UNESCO City of Music, boasts cool credentials. Explore top attractions like the Royal Liver Building and Royal Albert Dock, along with green spaces and coastlines. Enjoy year-round world-class events, from exhibitions to festivals. Get into the groove at the British Music Experience, indulge footie fantasies at Anfield Stadium, or take a 360-degree tour of the Royal Liver Building. Experience everything from ghostly street tours to rooftop beverages, with more galleries and museums than any city outside London. Whether brunch in the Georgian Quarter, dinner in the Baltic Triangle, or shopping in Liverpool One, this city is the place to be.

Top Attractions in Liverpool

Top 10 Hotels in Liverpool

Accommodation Options in Liverpool

Fri, 21 Mar - Sat, 22 Mar

Weather Averages for Liverpool